Elaine Spear, Events Organiser for the Vectis Astronomical Society, invited me to again share my talk, 'Bright Lights and Beyond' with her Society on Friday 26 February, as a follow up to a presentation I gave a year ago.
This was different! Elaine's idea was to 'bring a friend, a partner, a work colleague .. anyone!', the purpose being to introduce the wonders of the subject to the uninitiated, to those who think they are not interested, to those who have perhaps never even given it a second thought. My favourite kind of audience!
So off I rambled for an hour, before a full-on audience, on my tour of the Universe, beginning with the seemingly tiny and taking everyone beyond, and beyond and beyond. Wonderful!
Feedback was overwhelming, and included the following:
"She is such a captivating speaker, she should be doing this full time." "I didn't really know astronomy was so amazing." "In the beginning I thought it was interesting, but by the end I was on the edge of my seat amazed." "She really took us on an incredible journey." "When is she coming back?" "I was mesmerised!"
I did my job, and it was an absolute pleasure, as it always is. I believe ALL human beings should be aware of the wonders of the great 'out there' and it is a privilege to play my part in fulfilling that mission.
Thank you, Elaine, for your vision, and thank you one and all for all your support and enthusiasm.