I'm delighted to report this was a huge success, with a warm and wonderful audience swelling the school's assembly hall and fabulous funds being raised in the process. Orders were taken for the latest edition of my bestselling book, the Haynes Astronomy Manual, and thank goodness they were since we would have sold out! Wonderful. 100% of ticket sales and 50% of all book sales will go to the Eastbourne and South Wealden Multiple Sclerosis Group.
Enormous thanks to the sponsors and organisers: Home & Castle; Willing Legal Services and the Committee and Fundraisers of the MS Group. Additional thanks must also extend to the Eastbourne Herald newspaper which really pulled out the stops on advertising and two terrific local radio stations; Uckfield105FM and HailshamFM. All the kindness, support, generosity and sheer hard work really paid off. Thank you one and all!
For me, it was an enormous pleasure to share what it is I do with such an eager, open and enthusiastic audience. To raise significant funds was an additional bonus.
A small selection of the amazing feedback is outlined below.
'I attended your lecture at Willingdon High School on Saturday 9th June and just wanted to say how good it was for the uninitiated. There were lots of wows and oohs as you explained the distances and sizes of space. Super presentation.'
Terry Webb, Eastbourne Astronomical Society
'I want to say how much Jim and I enjoyed the talk on Saturday. We even found ourselves looking at 'The Sky at Night' last night! Jane was so good at sharing her passion....we were interested before, but never really looked further! Please let her know that it worked for us! Cheers!'
Gloria & Jim
'Wow, and wow again!'
'Crikey, I knew the distances were big but I had no idea how big!'
For anyone wishing to see me in action again, kindly refer to my Events page or tune in to my monthly appearances on local radio.